Fundraiser Art Donation Requests

Thanks for considering my artwork for your local Newfoundland event. Due to the high volume of requests, I offer this no-risk-to-you 50/50 deal.
What that means is I will offer a print for your fundraiser and whatever the total you receive for the print, I get half the retail value of the print and your fundraiser gets the rest.
Example: Say the print I am giving you retails for $400. If you raise $1000, you get $800 and I get $200 (50% of retail value). And here’s the no risk part for you, if you only raise $200, we split it 50/50 and get $100 each.
Please include the DATE of the event, WHERE it is taking place, and what TYPE of event it is i.e. live auction, silent auction, tickets sold, etc.
I will also need to know where the print can be delivered, preferably to a business, within 1/2 an hour drive of St. John's and a contact number. My hubby, Besh, delivers the donations.
If you would like to proceed, please contact me with the above information and we can discuss which piece will do well for your event. Cheers & thanks. Keli-Ann